I.Lange     6 07 2011, 18:16

Dr.Mr.Atroszko. Its wonderfull to see also fotos about Pätzig. I told you once, that we live during the war in Vietnitz!Vitnica in the house of our relatives v.Oelsen. And I remember, that we went to Pätzig in December 1944 to the wonderful "Krippenspiel". Today you can`t see any more from the "Herrenhaus", because it was bombed in 1945, but I read all books about the family v.Wedemeyer. Kind regards I.Lange.

Mateusz Atroszko     7 07 2011, 08:36

Dear Mrs. Lange. Thank you. We apreciate every memories like this. Every information about former life in the Neumark (even the "small ones") ale interesting for us.

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